- Unidirectional path tracing with multiple importance sampling
- Unified rendering kernel for CPU and GPU
- Apache License v2
- Designed for interactive updates
- Fast object, shader, light changes
- Tiled and progressive rendering
Layers & Passes
- Render layers for decomposing the scene
- Render passes for geometry and lighting
- Shadow catcher
- Holdout mattes
- Cryptomatte
- Denoising
- Meshes
- Curves
- Points
- Volumes
- Instancing
- Motion Blur
- Multi-core BVH build
- Fast BVH refit updates
Subdivision and Displacement
- Adaptive subdivision
- Catmull-Clark and linear schemes
- Displacement
- Bump mapping
- Perspective and orthographic cameras
- Panoramic and fisheye cameras
- Stereoscopic rendering
- Depth of field
- Physically based
- Node based shaders and lights
- Principled BSDF
- Production tricks
- Open Shading Language (CPU only)
- Absorption, scattering and emission
- Subsurface scattering
- Homogeneous and heterogeneous
- Principled Volume
- Global illumination
- Point, sun, spot and area lights
- Mesh lights
- Environment light
- Sky model
- Light portals
- Manifold next event estimation
- Path guiding
- Image textures
- Environment textures
- Procedural textures
- Bump and normal maps
- Windows, Linux and macOS
- NVIDIA, AMD, Intel and Apple Silicon GPU rendering